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Bug in Richtext: Style 2 overrides Style 1

Jochen Suehlo

It seems that there is a bug in Paragraph, Textblock, Richtext commands.
If I write a Text in 2D with 2 different Text Fonts within 1 Textblock, it is shown correctly.
When I create a Auto-GDL-Script of this in AC 27, I will get the following code:

define style{2}    "AC_STYLE_1" "Blippo",            3,      0
define style{2}    "AC_STYLE_2" "Helvetica",            3,      3

paragraph		"AC_PRG_1"      3,            0,            0,            0,            1
    pen         21
    set style "AC_STYLE_1"
        "Bez. 1"
paragraph		"AC_PRG_2"      1,            0,            0,            0,            1
    pen          1
    set style "AC_STYLE_2"
        "Inhalt 2223"
textblock		"AC_TEXTBLOCK_1"            0,      1,            0,            1,            1,            1, 
        "AC_PRG_1", "AC_PRG_2"
richtext2		0.9563798989604, 0.913048656224, "AC_TEXTBLOCK_1"

There are 2 different Styles defined, but the 1st style is always overwritten by the 2nd one.
Is this a bug or do I overlook anything?

Jochen Suehlo . AC12-27 . MAC OSX 14.4 . WIN11
GDL object creation:

Looks like a bug to me. I can reproduce the issue here.

Curiosly it works when you put both lines in the same paragraph, tho. As soon I make more than one paragraph (even if I do not use it in a Textblock!) this issue keeps reappearing.

Something for @Peter Baksa to dig into.

Lucas Becker | AC 27 on Mac | Author of Runxel's Archicad Wiki | Editor at SelfGDL | Developer of the GDL plugin for Sublime Text | My List of AC shortcomings & bugs |

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