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Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

Using Do_SolidOperation_Create from Element_Test development kit.


Hi Team,
I was trying out to create a opening in a wall in ArchiCAD. From the ArchiCAD UI I can create polygonal shaped openings, but it was not supported via C++ library functions (yet to expose).
Checking other possibilities, I found a way to do using Solid Element Operations, where I merge a Morph (Operator) into Wall(Target) and do Subtract operation which will create an opening. This can be done in ArchiCAD UI.
Now trying to automate using C++ code, we have a function named Do_SolidOperation_Create in Element_Test addon provided in development kit. Added the code below

void Do_SolidOperation_Create (void)
	API_ElemTypeID		typeID;
	API_Guid			guid_Target, guid_Operator, guid_Operator2;
	GS::Array<API_Guid>	guid_Results;

	if (!ClickAnElem ("Click on a solid operation target", API_MorphID, nullptr, &typeID, &guid_Target)) {
		WriteReport_Alert ("No element was clicked.");

	if (!ClickAnElem ("Click on a solid operator element", API_MorphID, nullptr, &typeID, &guid_Operator)) {
		WriteReport_Alert ("No element was clicked.");

	if (!ClickAnElem ("Click on a solid operator element", API_MorphID, nullptr, &typeID, &guid_Operator2)) {
		WriteReport_Alert ("No element was clicked.");

	GSErrCode err = ACAPI_Element_SolidOperation_Create (guid_Target, guid_Operator, APISolid_Substract, &guid_Results);
	if (err != NoError) {
		if (err == APIERR_NO3D)
			WriteReport_Alert ("Solid operation targets and operators can be freeshape elements only.");
			WriteReport_Alert ("ACAPI_Element_SolidOperation_Create failed: %d", err);
	} else {
		if (!guid_Results.IsEmpty ()) {
			err = ACAPI_Element_SolidOperation_Create (guid_Results[0], guid_Operator2, APISolid_Add);
			if (err != NoError) {
				if (err == APIERR_NO3D)
					WriteReport_Alert ("Solid operation targets and operators can be freeshape elements only.");
					WriteReport_Alert ("ACAPI_Element_SolidOperation_Create failed: %d", err);



The ArchiCAD provided function ACAPI_Element_SolidOperation_Create only takes Morph object as target.
I want to know is there a way for us to pass a Wall ID to this function and create a opening in the target wall.


This documentation shows
the operation can be done only between two morph elements.
Is there any other way to do Solid Element Operation between Wall and Morph?