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Working with profiled sheets, problem with angles

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I'm working with sandwich type roofing which has profiled sheets in the package. ArchiCAD library 13 has ok sheets for that, but are they really limited for one angle change only? Can't align them with other roof components. Only can adjust the angle in one end, no sideways. It's ok if the profiles would be inline from top to bottom, but they must be from one end of the building to one end. Hopefully someone did get my idea.

Are there any solutions for this, have tried to rotate the whole building even, but that doesn't have any effect because angle change is limited to only one end.
Ralph Wessel
anthax wrote:
I'm working with sandwich type roofing which has profiled sheets in the package. ArchiCAD library 13 has ok sheets for that, but are they really limited for one angle change only? Can't align them with other roof components. Only can adjust the angle in one end, no sideways. It's ok if the profiles would be inline from top to bottom, but they must be from one end of the building to one end. Hopefully someone did get my idea.

Are there any solutions for this, have tried to rotate the whole building even, but that doesn't have any effect because angle change is limited to only one end.
Depending on your requirements, you might find OBJECTiVE (an add-on). You can freely cut and rotate ArchiCAD's (GDL) profile objects, or you can create your own profiles with OBJECTiVE that can be cut, rotated, twisted, and curved to suit a wide variety of situations (see attached example).
Ralph Wessel BArch