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Hi, what do you think about my rendering
ArchiCAD9 EDU Pl
This is obviously not intended as a realistic rendering because of the lack of context.

While you have good control over the materials and light softness, the composition does not engage my eye. Nothing leads me into the scene and keeps me there.

There's two reasons:

-- Because of being ancient and lazy, I used to make "one point perspectives" in school, where we cheated the vanishing points, so I am prejudiced against this kind of viewpoint in the computer.

-- The closed aspect of the building repels me - how can you draw me to your design - to want to be in it instead of taking cover? Where is my ArchiCAD assault rifle object when I need it? It is a lucky thing that ArchiCAD 10 has a quick search for library objects.


The tendency to make scenes with white light is WRONG.

You should make your sun yellow and your ambient and skylight color blue and mauve.
Dwight Atkinson
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so, why do you want shoot me?
You are wrong, i don't used any white light only yellow(sun),blue(sky object) and grey(ambient) maybe to less.
BTW it was my first project in ArchiCAD
In that case, a very good job!
Dwight Atkinson