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!Restored: Cutting windows through multipal walls

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Hi All

I have been using AC for many years and have always believed that models should be produced exactly how buildings are built, therefore my models are component based, for example lintols/DPC/DPM/cavity closures are modeled (nuts and bolts) maybe but my clients are wanting ultimate coordination.

However my biggest issue modelling this way is walls, whilst composite walls are great in most cases, I need to split the wall into its components, i.e. ext brick as a separate wall, the same for cavity/insul/int block-plaster.
obviously when it comes to placing windows and doors it only cuts through one wall, I have to then place empty openings into the other walls.

I've obviously tried grouping the walls the placing the windows, but no joy there.

Can anyone help, does anyone know of any API's or objects that can help??
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I agree with this idea to an extent. We're dealing with this option when we need to furr out an existing wall, and then need openings in both. But in your case it sounds as if this is a completely new wall. In that case why not just use composites and have an easier time?
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Thanks for the reply Sergio, however composites are very crude and when you use the marquee tool and 3D cut-aways all you see as a wall build up is a black mass zone.

Also the need to control where different layers of the wall start and finish is a must.