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FBX file exchange

Not applicable
Does anyone know if Archicad has or will be adding the FBX file exchange? It is becoming the most universal 3D file exchange program. Cinema 4D has now added it to its list which, if Arhicad gets it, would make materials, lights, animations and textures all transfer seamlessly.
I don't think it is high on the priority list.

But I can confirm that FBX is becoming the best supported exchange format for 3D-animation applications. It is now supported in 3ds max, Maya, Lightwave(IIRC), XSI & Cinema4D (aka "the big 5").

But transferring 3D-animated characters is probably not supported in ArchiCAD 😉
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book
At you can download an FBX-convertor for PC & Mac. It supports OBJ, DXF and 3DS but I'm afraid it has no GUI (Graphical User Interface).

But it'll allow you to do the conversion from an exported ArchiCAD file.

With the 3ds-importer it might be possible to get a model back in ArchiCAD

Biggest drawback:: when you pass through the 3ds-format in the meantime, all geometry will become simple triangular meshes. Nothing more, nothing less. It'll work, but it might not be the best solution.

A native FBX-convertor for ArchiCAD could be better suited to the ArchiCAD way of describing geometry and materials.

So a valuable wishlist item (but probably with rather low priority).
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
my Archicad Book